Grüner Veltliner (groo-ner velt-lee-ner) is an herbaceous white wine from Austria and if you don’t already love it, summer is a great time to sample it. It’s a no-brainer for folks who turn to Sauvignon Blanc, as they share a brightness and citrus fruit character, almost always being produced in a very dry style.
There are two distinct styles of Grüner Veltliner. One is bright, fresh, peppery and almost spritzy; the other is weighty, almost honeyed and serious. Save the latter for fall and lean into the former at barbecues, picnics and those remaining summer lake days. We love Barbara Ohlzelt Gruner Leader which illustrates its drinkability in liter bottles.
Grüner Veltliner shines with a wide variety of dishes thanks to its spicy character but it reaches a peak paired with the Austrian classic Wiener Schnitzel.
Contributed by Sarina Garibović, a certified sommelier and owner of Ženska Glava, a woman owned and operated wine and spirits events business; zenskaglava.com