Edina Launches Name Your Neighborhood Project

Edina’s Name Your Neighborhood project unveils maps next month.

Edina City Council is expected to vote on neighborhood maps early next year as part of its initiative to establish neighborhood associations within the community. The council thinks the civic neighborhood project will help residents accomplish common neighborhood goals, provide effective communication between residents, businesses and institutions, help preserve neighborhood quality, provide a sense of neighborhood security and increase awareness about decisions that impact neighborhoods. “Edina residents have a wealth of knowledge about this community,” says steering committee chairwoman Hope Melton. The city has worked with residents this summer and fall to gather ideas and feedback identify potential neighborhood boundaries and names. “We thought asking residents about where they live, what they call their neighborhood and whether they are aware of any existing neighborhood organizations would be a great place to start.” Once the project is completed and approved by the City Council, residents will have the opportunity to join city-recognized civic neighborhood associations.