Active older adults in Edina are redefining what it means to
be a senior citizen. Around these parts, age is only a number and many of the
upcoming events planned at the Edina Senior Center prove this point. In
addition to crafts and cribbage, Edina seniors are invited to a beer tasting
event at the Edina Senior Center on Wednesday, June 25, to play tennis at Todd
Park every Thursday morning at 9 a.m. throughout the summer, and to practice
their dance moves at the senior center for an upcoming flash mob experience!
And maybe you’ve heard; the National Senior Games are being
hosted in the Twin Cities this year. The competitive billiards tournament
portion of the Senior Games will be played at the Edina Senior Center on
Friday, August 8 at 6pm.
With so many entertaining and exciting activities to choose
from, I can’t think of a better place than Edina to age not just gracefully,
but joyfully. Check out the Edina Senior Center for more information about all of
its great opportunities for active older adults.