As a lifelong anglophile, I find the goings-on of the British royals so interesting. (The pageantry! The rules and regulations! The fashion! The drama!) But it’s not just the royals that intrigue me—it’s the culture that’s so much more steeped in tradition than our own.
Dining Out

Minneapolitans with a sweet tooth who love Cocoa & Fig’s chocolates, cakes and bars can now visit the store’s Edina location on York Avenue and avoid battling downtown traffic and navigating the skyway to the original location on t

Cranberries are considered indispensible to a traditional holiday meal; because of this, the poor fruit has been typecast. Cousin of the blueberry and huckleberry, the name “cranberry” was coined by early European settlers who thought that the plant looked like a crane.

If you think of “Mexican food” as a greasy cheese bomb—albeit a yummy one—it’s time to wake up and smell the cilantro.

One of our most treasured warm-weather privileges is outdoor dining. For those of us who live on the frozen tundra, perpetually aware of the diminishing days of light and warmth, eating al fresco is practically a birthright. Edina eateries are equipped with many a welcoming outdoor dining space.

Summer can be sweltering. Lucky for us, Edina has just the treat to beat the heat. Edina Magazine dishes on five favorite frozen yogurt and ice cream parlors.

Everyone likes cake. Edinans are no different, and we’re blessed with two exceptional cake-makers, Sweet Retreat and Queen of Cakes. These bakeries are as passionate about their craft as they are about the community they serve.

Hey, it’s National Dairy Month! And it’s national candy month, fresh fruit and vegetable month, iced tea month, seafood month, papaya month, steakhouse month, and turkey lovers’ month. Does that seem like a bit much?
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