We regularly feature photo submissions from our Images of Edina photo contest in the pages of Edina Magazine and online. This month, we asked Leah Steidl to tell us about her photograph titled Distance Learning with Dad.
What’s your favorite thing about this image?
The reality of it all. This moment was exactly how I felt about distance learning. I look at it and I feel it.
What inspired the shot?
I decided that if we had to be on lockdown, I was going to make the best of it and document our daily life. I vowed to take at least one shot a day of, I hate to say it, but our new normal, I wanted Etta (and myself!) to be able to look back on this time and see how we managed through 2020 and all things COVID-19.
Do you typically take photos like this or is this out of the norm for you?
I tend to take a lot of photos, but I rarely use my camera indoors so I would say that this is out of the norm for me. Also, I don’t tend to focus on everyday life when I have my camera out; it’s always event focused.
What prompted you to submit your photo to Images of Edina?
Social media! I follow Edina Magazine and the city of Edina on Facebook and I knew I had some photos that just might fit the contest.