Dog Bones

Pet chiropractors talk treatment for animals.

One of the things people love about pets is their energy; there’s nothing like being greeted at the door by a happy pet. An appointment with an animal chiropractor may be the best way to ensure this enthusiastic behavior continues. When pets have recognizable changes in ability and gait, “a lot of people just say, ‘My dog is getting older,’” says Annie Seefeldt, a certified animal chiropractor, “but a lot of times we can help dogs restore some ability and vitality.”

Older pets, post-surgery pets, performing pets and even very young pets can find a trip to the chiropractor beneficial. Rebecca Amstutz, also a certified animal chiropractor, explains that many puppy patients come for chiropractic treatment to slow arthritis development. A trip to an animal chiropractor is a smart option for treating your pet’s existing movement problems, and preventing future ones.


Clinics are held at Woody’s Pet Food Deli, 3008 50th St. W., Mpls; Check website for schedule.