Edina hockey hosts yearly community event

Skate with the Hornets gives kids an opportunity to meet their favorite players.
Casey Dornbach, Becker Wenkus, Conor Farrell, Charlie Moe and Lucky Biscam at last year’s Skate with the Hornets event.

Now in its seventh year, the Skate with the Hornets event gives young fans a chance to meet their favorite Hornet hockey players. Truly a community event, this annual open skate offers an opportunity to give back. Not only do players give kids a thrill, but the event also features a food drive.

“It is great to see the community come out and support not only a great cause with the food drive, but also to show support for the EHS boys’ hockey teams,” Joleen Munson says. Her son Cullen, who graduated from EHS last spring, took part in several Skate with the Hornets events.

Edina hockey is an elite program, but the players are still high school students. To have a day where little kids look up to the players and treat them like celebrity athletes is an unforgettable experience

Miguel Fidler, an EHS gradutate, has fond memories of the event. He notes how the kids look up to high school players as if they were in the NHL. “It’s fun to meet the kids,” Fidler says. “Some of them are diehard fans and know more about the team than I do. They look up to us.”


Skate with the Hornets
January 25, 1–2:30 p.m.
Braemar Ice Arena, 7501 Ikola Way