Let’s face it, we all go through times when we feel a little unmotivated. In our family we call it, “being in a funk.” I try not to let a funk go on for too long because I’ve got a company to lead and a family to care for. Instead of dwelling on lousy weather or a stressful week, I stay curious and turn to these three things to help stay fired up in all aspects of my life.
Music has always inspired me and I try to experience it as often as possible. I’m thoughtful about creating playlists that fire me up on the way to work and when I’m home alone, I’m not afraid to pump up music and have a dance party with myself! Regular dates nights to the Orpheum Theater in Minneapolis are also a Tamte family must.
Everyone’s going crazy for podcasts, including me. There’s nothing like a good podcast to get me fired up and Masters of Scale, hosted by Reid Hoffman, is my current go-to. Each episode is an interview with legendary leaders who have grown thriving companies. I also love working with local podcasts because it’s a great way to network with entrepreneurs and community leaders in the area.
There really is nothing like a good book! After signing the lease of our very first store, I headed straight to the Southdale Library to learn whatever I could about a retail fashion business. With trembling hands and a pit in my stomach, I asked the librarian to point me to books that would teach me how to build a company. Fourteen years later, I still turn to books to help me figure out my business challenges. With our kids now in college, Mike and I have become weeknight regulars at Barnes & Noble in the Galleria where we pick up books and grab a bite to eat in the beautiful café.
Megan Tamte is the co-owner of Evereve, founded and headquartered in Edina.