Volunteering in Edina Schools

Community Education matches students with seniors.

April is volunteer month, and what better way to donate your resources and expertise than by imparting knowledge at local schools? Marcia Friedman, Edina’s community education supervisor, has spent five years pairing volunteers from the community with classrooms, according to the needs and desires of teachers throughout the district. For example, she has retired engineers helping high school students with their algebra homework or adults attending twice-weekly homework-help programs at a local elementary school.

On tap for this month are senior citizens who will share their stories in the classroom and help tell the history of Edina through their eyes. Teachers have also asked Friedman to find volunteers who can speak knowledgeably about Earth Day, watershed projects and nutrition. In the past, scientists have visited schools to speak to students about everything from reptiles to dental health to animal pelts from Fort Snelling.

“Teachers have told me that they wouldn’t be able to teach their students without this service,” says Friedman. “One teacher even said she wanted to jump through the computer and hug me. The volunteers that work with students in the classroom are amazing. I even get ‘thank you’ notes sometimes from the volunteers, who range in age from 14 to 84.”