VEAP Food Shelf has provided a valuable service in southwest Twin Cities communities since it began operating in 1973. Open Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m., with no appointment necessary for any food pick up or drop off.
There is also no minimum income requirement for anyone in need of food, as many people helped by VEAP experience income loss due to unemployment, death of a family member or illness. The only requirement is proof of residency within Bloomington, Edina, Richfield and a small portion of South Minneapolis.
Throughout November, VEAP will station its mobile food pantry at a variety of locations including Normandale Community College, Dar Al-Farooq and Seasons Park.
VEAP is especially in need of food donations due to the COVID-19 global pandemic. Donations of non-perishable foods as well as fresh produce and common household and hygiene products such as deodorant, soap and diapers are encouraged and appreciated. As a 501(c)3 nonprofit, donations are tax deductible.
Discover more ways to help at veap.org.