A mother’s love stays fixed and unyielding while her children change by the nanosecond around her. Babies become toddlers and eventually they are in middle school and on a travelling soccer team. Where is the mother in all of this? Who is she? This is what Mary Laura Philpott explores in her collection of essays, I Miss You When I Blink. Children naturally pull away and into new universes, as mothers stand on the sidelines, wondering who they are and what their purpose is. With humor, honesty, and not a little pain, Philpott examines the crisis women experience when they realize they are not happy with a life others believe is perfect. These funny, family-centered essays, show the inner journey the author takes so that she can love herself as she is.
Maureen Millea Smith is a librarian at the Edina Library and a Minnesota Book Award-winning novelist; maureenmilleasmith.com