Read the September 2022 Edina Magazine Digital Edition
No matter how many years it’s been since being in school, September continues to be “back to school” season in my mind. Even in my 30s, it’s hard to shake that feeling of this month being a fresh start. Honestly, after a summer of activity and a more relaxed schedule,
it’s kind of nice to have a reason—even if it’s all in my head—to hit reset and refocus on what I want to tackle for the last four months of the year. These next four months, I want to prioritize time for creativity. I have a sewing project I’ve wanted to work on, a wedding album to scrapbook and a book idea that I’ve had in my head for years that I finally want to outline.
And, frankly, it’s all the people featured in this month’s magazine who have reinvigorated my creative spark. In this issue—our Arts & Style issue—we’re introducing some of many artists and innovative thinkers who live in this city.
We’re taking a look at the artwork of digital illustrator Cindy Lindgren, who takes inspiration from nature, local landmarks and the Arts & Crafts design movement (page 30). We’re introducing you to children’s book author Megan Maynor, whose 2021 release, Henry at Home, was a finalist for a 2022 Minnesota Book Award (page 18). And we’re catching up with local entrepreneur Ethan Esparza, who last graced the pages of this magazine 15 years ago when, as a child, he was running a successful lemonade stand in the 50th & France neighborhood and has owned his own businesses ever since (page 16).
I could keep going—but instead, I’ll simply encourage you to read through the magazine and meet all of the kind, creative and thoughtful individuals who have shared their talents and life experiences with us in these pages. Hopefully, it ignites a creative spark in you, as well!
-Amy Overgaard