Ever since its first appearance on Edina’s landscape in the late 1960s, Pentagon Park hasn’t filled all its potential space. Now, Hillcrest Development, the current owner of those 42 acres, will re-imagine and rebuild the office park into a productive and attractive part of the community. Scott Tankenoff, managing partner of Hillcrest Development, stresses that the firm is invested in a smart, long-term approach for redevelopment. This approach means being what Tankenoff calls a “good neighbor,” spending time with Edina residents, city officials and staff to hear their ideas and concerns. This is a planning year, while 2015 will be the year to begin new construction. “The time has come to figure out what Pentagon Park should be, and effect some changes,” Tankenoff says.
From the April 2014 issue
Redevelopment Planned for Edina's Pentagon Park
Developer commits to making Pentagon Park a more attractive part of the community.
Two views of the new park.
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