Sounds of the Season

VocalEssence presents Welcome Christmas Concert.

VocalEssence, founded in 1969, has captivated audiences for decades with its world-renowned ensemble. And on December 13, VocalEssence comes to Edina. In harmony with its international status, the group will perform classic carols and holiday pieces from Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland in this season’s Welcome Christmas concert. Fiddler Sara Pajunen and narrator Katherine Ferrand will accompany the group on a wide range of songs, including British composer Alan Bullard’s new Christmas cantata, A Light in the Stable. Artistic director and founder Philip Brunelle describes this performance as one that will fulfil your “Christmas caroling fix,” with plenty of interaction and sing-along opportunities. Tickets can be purchased online at $34 for adults, with available discounts for youth and college students. 7:30 p.m. Colonial Church, 6200 Colonial Way; 952.925.2711;