Everyone’s drinking it, pét-nat, a wine style that isn’t just for natural wine lovers anymore. Petillant natural means naturally sparkling, and it provides an interesting and more affordable alternative to wines made in the traditional method, or Méthode Champenoise.
Pétillant naturel wines are made in an ancestral method that is essentially (yeast + sugar = alcohol + CO2) with a closure applied, leaving all that carbon dioxide inside the bottle and eliminating the need for a secondary fermentation, such as in Champagne.
A favorite version of ours at Ženska Glava are the pét-nats of Scribe Winery in Sonoma, particularly their rosé of pinot noir which can be found at France 44 and the natural wine spot Henry and Son in the North Loop.
Contributed by Sarina Garibović, a certified sommelier and owner of Ženska Glava, a woman owned and operated wine and spirits events business with the mission of making beverage education accessible and approachable.