Barnyard Boogie Connects Edina to Farming Heritage

Barnyard Boogie connects Edina to its farming heritage.

Drive around Edina and you’ll notice many streets with names of the families whose farms once graced that land: Grimes, Code, Gleason, Cooper. While these names pay homage to the city’s heritage, it’s hard to imagine crops growing or animals grazing in such urban surroundings.In 2010, Edina Parks and Recreation decided to bring the farm experience back to the community: Enter the Barnyard Boogie. Now in its third year, the event has been a hit and continues to add new attractions, including pony rides for kids and free coffee for parents. Edina Recreation supervisor Kristin Aarsvold says the community support and positive reaction have been encouraging to the entire staff. She enjoys being able to connect children with farming culture. “I think it’s neat to see youth interacting with farm animals,” she says. “We are so removed from that history, and most kids haven’t visited a farm, so it’s a unique experience& Stop by the Barnyard Boogie on September 21 at Rosland Park. For more information, visit