The stained glass wall on the east side of Edina City Hall is exactly where it should be: close to the site of Edina Mill.
Then & Now

According to his Report of Separation from Active Duty, Colonel John “Jack” Hougen’s military career lasted 33 years. The report also lists his numerous commendations, medals and badges, implying his uniform glittered.

It was 1976. Judith Guest had recently moved to Edina and looked to the Newcomers’ Club for opportunities to become connected. Guest and other new-on-the-block book lovers were encouraged to sign up for Newcomers’ “alternate” book club that met at night.

(The space before the renovation.)

Coffee klatches have, in part, moved from tidy homes to trendy cafés. Coffee-fueled bridge clubs now share calendar space with wine-sipping book clubs.

A lot has happened in the career of 34-year-old artist Drew Beson since Edina Magazine last wrote about him in October 2008. For one, he is no longer active in the FRESH Marketing Group he founded to help promote his work.

Edina resident Kimberly Rynders was once a single pregnant teen whose dysfunctional family turned her away. Now, Rynders is a happily married mother of five, new grandmother and is the larger-than-life director of Tapestry Pregnancy and Family Resource Center for women and children in crisis.

Braemar figure skating instructors Eleanor Fischer and Jean Pastor created Edina’s first ice show in 1966.

How did Edina’s fledging hockey program of the 1950s become a state powerhouse in such a short time? Former youth coach Bill Ryerse answers in a word: “Traveling.”

When Tyler Brower’s plans to play hockey his freshman year at Gustavus Adolphus College were interrupted by injury, hours that would otherwise have been spent on the ice loomed, empty, in front of him. In response, the 21-year-old Edina High School graduate chose to act on faith.

Local newspapers announced the opening of the innovative Country Club District with great fanfare. “It looks as though Edina will be having growing pains before long,” predicted the Hennepin County Review on May 29, 1924.