One of the special things about this city is its heart for helping others. Countless Edina residents understand the value of giving back and how time spent caring for others strengthens the bonds of family, friendship and community connections. As the holiday season approaches, be inspired by the November issue of Edina Magazine with stories of local residents who routinely donate their time to fundraising efforts like the red kettle campaign for the Salvation Army.
Then cheer on two Edina High School students who’ve taken it upon themselves to help other students prepare for college placement tests at no cost. In the highly competitive environment of college admissions, these exceptional students choose to help bring their peers alongside them into the arena of advanced education.
The “people” focus of local charitable efforts is also apparent in many business/client rapports you’ll find around town. You'll read about a homebuilder, an antique restorer, a boutique owner and a nanny turned reality TV star, each of which highly value the “people” part of their business.
Sharing the stories of inspirational Edinaians is one of the best parts of my job. So be sure to let me know about any inspirational folks in your neighborhood. Among the many athletes, artists, entrepreneurs, philanthropists, healthcare providers, educators, artisans, butchers, bakers, and candlestick makers, there are surely more great stories to tell. We’ll write ‘em. You’ll read ‘em. And the bonds of our writer/reader relationship will continue to be a great story all its own.