Be well. This is a both a lifestyle and mantra for many who live in Edina. From bike trails to fitness studios, access to nutritional foods and quality healthcare, Edina has the infrastructure to support a healthy lifestyle. The October issue of Edina Magazine fixes its focus on some of what makes this community such a great location to live well and be well.
First, I asked my good friend, Nina Badzin, an Edina mother of four, successful lifestyle blogger and fitness fan to check out a few exercise classes for this issue. As per her usual, Nina exceeds expectations with a fantastic review of five local fitness studios. Her personal experience gives readers an honest look at what to expect when trying one of these classes for the first time.
But it can be difficult to focus on physical fitness if you’re not getting adequate rest or suffer from dark moods. It seems too often I hear friends lament over lack of sleep or some emotional strain that’s impeding their ability to live well. Read about how healthcare professionals at Fairview Southdale Sleep Center and at Prairie Care are helping patients get back on track.
And Edina healthcare professionals aren’t content to help only locals be healthy. Meet two Fairview Southdale employees who traveled to an underserved village in South America to assist with a medical mission.
To cap off this inspirational issue, I had a chance to interview Belinda Jensen, chief meteorologist for Kare 11 and Edina resident. Belinda’s love of the outdoors was evident as she chronicled for me her journey from being a tomboy growing up near the banks of the St. Croix River to becoming one of Minnesota’s most admired TV personalities. Her story is yet another example of what it looks like to live well in Edina.