We regularly feature photo submissions from our Images of Edina photo contest in the pages of Edina Magazine and online. This month, we asked Melissa Hunzelman to tell us about her photograph titled Budding Photog.
Where was the photo taken? Lebannon Hills Regional Park in Eagan. I took it in the spring of 2020; it was the first of many hikes that we would drag our children on during our pandemic summer.
What inspired the shot? Maddie had recently started taking an interest in photography, possibly out of the sheer boredom during the pandemic. I let her take my old Canon on our hike and I was excited to see her interested in something that I love.
What’s your favorite thing about this image? I see her freckles and her long eyelashes and her wild nail polish. The picture is just so very Maddie.
Do you typically take photos like this or is this out of the norm for you? This is the type of photo I usually take. I’m much better at pictures of people than I am at landscapes or inanimate objects.
What prompted you to submit your photo to Images of Edina? I love to look through the pictures in Edina Magazine - especially the images captured by community members ... and I enjoy being part of that group.