Over the past 20 years, Regina Neville has served Edina and Edina Public Schools (EPS) in a myriad of leadership positions—with school PTOs, Parent Leadership Council, Edina Education Fund and the Edina School Board. She’s also volunteered her time in Edina Bands, Edina Theater, Girl Scouts and the National Alliance on Mental Illness. She currently serves as the Valley View Middle School Theater director. In addition, Neville is the EPS representative and board chair of District 287, a collaboration of 11 west metro school districts. Throughout her service is an ongoing search for how do we grow? How do we serve better? Where is the need?
Neville works at the intersection of governance and program needs, but especially enjoys working with students because middle school thespians energize her, inspire creativity and inform her governance work. Her experience and day-to-day interactions with students meant she was in a perfect position to be a part of the “Heal Together” mental health campaign launched in March to address COVID-19’s effects on students. These virtual all-school assemblies featured celebrity guests and EPS mental health and wellness support teams promoting messages of hope and resilience.
Neville is indefatigable; her community spirit doesn’t end with students. She recently participated in the Edina Community Foundation’s Learning with Leaders Zoom series focused on racial equity and justice work in Edina. No matter the topic, Neville leans in, making a difference every day through direct action and leadership.
Contributed by the Edina Community Foundation; edinacommunityfoundation.org