Dollars and Cents for Safety

Edina’s Crime Prevention Fund.

Neighborhood crime is never an easy fix. But the Edina Crime Prevention Fund has been encouraging resolutions and relief for the past 47 years. After a 1969 home invasion, information about the crime was scarce without some sort of incentive. Members of the Rotary Club of Edina decided that there should be a pool of money specifically designated for crime information rewards.

For specific instances, such as burglaries at construction sites or public art vandalization, the fund has had success deterring crime by posting signs about rewards. The fund has also purchased K-9s for the Edina Police Department, two motorcycles and a mobile surveillance system for the police station last year. The Edina Crime Prevention Fund sponsors Edina’s Fall into the Arts festival each year, where 50 percent of the proceeds go into the fund. Other donors contribute as well. Newsletters are periodically mailed throughout Edina to encourage donations. To contribute, visit the website here.