Edina Bloggers Educate and Illuminate

Local bloggers educate readers about food, technology and self-improvement.
Lee Ann Owens is the creator of the blog Edina Eater.

Blogs have developed into more than online diaries, political rants or celebrity gossip. Many blogs serve as educational resources that cover a wide variety of topics. Some bloggers dedicated to sharing useful information live or work right here in Edina. Their blogs educate readers on topics ranging from food to technology to self-improvement. If you don’t already know them, let us introduce you …

Edina Eater
Lee Ann Owens has been a gourmet cook her entire life. Her interest has always led her toward farm fresh foods and food preparation techniques. She also enjoys dining out and appreciates a well-prepared restaurant meal. Friends regularly ask Owens where to eat for special occasions. So she decided to create a blog that caters to anyone interested in the Edina food scene. She calls it Edina Eater.
Edina Eater’s goal is to be a reliable information source about food in the Edina area, as well as some trendy dining spots around the Twin Cities. This blog also features fabulous recipes from Owens’ collection. “I’ve been cooking forever,” says Owens. “I try to simplify recipes for my readers because there are plenty of great local restaurants for tasting more complicated dishes.”
Owens describes the Edina restaurant atmosphere as accessible and relaxed. Edina Eater dishes on the multitude of great places to eat around Edina. The blog is a wonderful tool for deciding where to go when you’re hungry, especially if you’re looking for family friendly restaurants.  When diners inquire about where to eat, Owens says, “know what you like and how much you’re willing to experiment. If you go too far beyond your comfort zone, you’re unlikely to have a good experience.”
Edina Eater’s scope extends beyond cooking and dining out. It features all things food, including tips for shopping farmers’ markets, information on specialty food shops, food events and, of course, a roundup of the best organic and fair trade foods.

Edina Tech
Michael Walker has taught for 29 years. For the past six, he has served as a secondary technology integration specialist for Edina Public Schools. Much of Walker’s work focuses on professional development for educators. So he decided a blog could serve as an information-sharing tool about how to best utilize technology in the classroom.
Walker’s blog is called Edina Technology Integration. But don’t let the cerebral-sounding name deter you from checking it out. His audience is primarily teachers, but parents, students or anyone interested in discovering trends related to technology and learning can learn a bit (or a byte) from this blog.
Some popular posts on Edina Tech include news and videos from technology conferences and information about useful education software applications. There is even an online course for parents, called Parenting in the Digital World.
“These are good resources for people unable to attend technology conferences,” says Walker. “I blog about what I learn in a format that allows for interaction and the generation of new ideas. The process provides a chance for me to reflect on my role as a lifelong learner.”
Walker’s goal for his blog is to continue sharing useful technology tips and information. A colleague once told him there is a moral obligation to share whatever is happening so everybody can benefit. That concept resonates with Walker. In turn, he hopes the Edina Tech blog resonates with interested readers.

Nina Badzin

Nina Badzin is a freelance writer and contributor to Brain, Child  magazine, living in Edina with her husband and four children. What started out as Badzin’s “mom” blog has evolved into informative posts focused on parenting, social media etiquette, improving daily habits and Jewish life.
Badzin continually tries to figure out better ways of doing things. Instead of following the crowd, she asks, “Why do we do the things we do?” She answers this question as it pertains to practical topics like gift giving, goal setting, family life and religious traditions.
Her blog’s conversational tone and educational approach have resulted in Badzin’s work being posted by other online publications such as the Huffington Post, Writer UnBoxed, Kveller and Jewish Daily Forward. “I’m not trying to lecture anybody,” says Badzin. “I simply write about a desire to improve my own habits. Hopefully, readers can relate.”
Along the way, Badzin has blogged about her goals to read a book a week, eat better and unplug from her cellphone. Some of Badzin’s most popular posts pertain to social media, Twitter in particular. Badzin began to see Twitter being used ineffectively for self-promotion. She says, “Certain things I saw on Twitter annoyed me. So I blogged about Twitter etiquette.” Her informative posts are great reading for both the established Twitter user and the Twitter novice.
This blog holds a mirror up to daily life and asks if or what we should change. But it’s the interaction and communal experience that help readers feel supported in making positive changes in their own lives.