Jeff Ohe, owner of Edina-based Cahill Financial Advisors, feels a responsibility to be engaged. Ohe—along with his wife and their four kids—moved to Edina in 2005 for the schools and the community. Feeling blessed by what he has, he wanted to give back.
He joined the Rotary Club of Edina, and in 2009, he agreed to serve on Rotary’s Executive Committee, a five-year commitment that includes serving as secretary and treasurer and culminates with being president. “It was rewarding to meet others [and] see how others are giving back,” says Ohe, who served as president in 2014–15.
As any volunteer knows, when you say “yes” once, other offers come calling. Ohe was subsequently asked to serve on the Board of Directors for the Southdale YMCA, raising money for facilities and camps that support youth development. He also served on the Normandale Lutheran Church Foundation Board, lending his expertise from his work as an investment professional.
In 2015, Ohe was elected to the Edina Community Foundation Board of Directors, where he volunteered to lead the development committee. His tenure brought creative ideas, including new ways to attract donations from local businesses and give them recognition for their dedication. Reflecting on his volunteerism, Ohe cited his part in the establishment of the Edina Rotary Legacy Fund (an endowment fund) as one of his most memorable activities. The fund has significantly increased the amount of money the Rotary Club of Edina can give away to nonprofit organizations in both the local and international communities. Local organizations, such as Veap, Cornerstone and Can-Do-Canines, have benefited from these gifts.
Contributed by the Edina
Community Foundation.