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Imagine a world full of grace. No strings attached.

This is the DNA of Father Greg Boyle, author of New York Times bestseller "Tattoos on the Heart." Boyle witnessed the devastating impact of gang violence on his community during the so-called “decade of death” that began in the 1980s and adopted what was a radical approach: treating gang members as human beings.

In 1988 he and his parish started what would eventually become Homeboy Industries, which employs and trains former gang members, serving thousands of men and women each year.

Boyle's moving stories will challenge your ideas about God and people, providing a window into a world filled with fellowship, compassion, and fewer barriers.

Joining Boyle will be local singer/songwriter, Sara Groves. It’s an evening that will fight despair and leave you bursting with encouragement, humor and hope. 

Proceeds from the event will benefit Amplify Mission Network, a 501(c)3 which funds opportunities to connect emerging Minnesota ministries with Christian business leaders, amplifying Christ’s work in the world.

The Details
September 20, 7 p.m.