On April 23, Catalonia celebrates Sant Jordi (St George's Day) in honor of its patron saint. On this spring day, streets all over Barcelona and surrounds are filled with the roses and books that people give to those they love on this festive, family occasion that the Catalan community brings to the Twin Cities.
- 4:00-9:00 PM Information
about Catalan traditions, Catalan famous personalities, Barcelona and life in
Catalonia - 6:00 PM -"St George
and the Dragon" play by local Catalan children. - 6:30 PM - Poetry Contest
Awards - 7:00 PM- Presentation Tales of Survival from
Barcelona: Political Revival in Catalonia by
Prof. William Viestenz (UoM) of three Catalan books recently translated into English- Uncertain Glory,
by JOAN SALES - Victus, the fall of Barcelona, by ALBERT SÀNCHEZ PINYOL
- The Gray Notebook
- Uncertain Glory,
- 8:00 PM - Performance of
music by Toldrà and Granados by Patricia Kent, soprano and Roderick
Phipps-Kettlewell, piano