World’s Largest Youth Juggling Group Celebrates 21th Annual Juggle Jam
Over 90 jugglers from Twin Cities-based JUGHEADS to perform on May 17th-18th
Juggle Jam, a popular, family-event featuring the cast of the world’s largest youth juggling group returns for the 21th straight year on May 17th-18th. The show will include over 90 members of the JUGHEADS Youth Juggling Company in an energetic, music-filled performance at Hopkins High School.
This year’s show has it all: rhythm, drama, comedy, dexterity, showmanship, and creativity.
• Routines will showcase all 91 JUGHEADS members, hailing from all over the metro area, each weekly club, and small group and solo specialty acts.
• Music and choreography are a mix of current and classic periods including pop culture, musicals, and songs.
• The internationally award-winning Ultimate Juggling Club will perform retrospective and all new routines.
For more information or tickets, visit