Gain Assisstance and Insight from a Life Coach

A life coach could put you closer to your goals this year.

For many, a new year brings the desire to make improvements in our lives and well-being, whether by losing weight, making a career change or finding a significant other. However, making important life changes can feel daunting. Rather than crack under the pressure or abandon your goals, this year, consider hiring a life coach.

Make sure to do your research. Local life coach Jasna Burza has been coaching for five years and believes that as a life coach it is her job to help “optimize [her clients’] lives.” Although there are many reasons someone might hire a life coach, in general a life coach is beneficial to those who want help making positive life changes.

Although the assistance of a life coach is without question very useful for those in need of that help, according to Burza, not everyone is coachable. Working with a life coach can bring up difficult emotions and requires action, two things that some people just aren’t ready for. However, if you are willing to broach sensitive issues and are motivated to do the work required, the assistance of a life coach may be just what you need to finally reach some important goals.

Jasna Burza specializes in helping clients find their life’s purpose. For more information visit the website here or email her at