Little Peter Concrete Tail

A collection of statuary rabbits adds whimsy to local landscape.
An Edina gardener makes peace with the Minnesota rabbit population.

Edina gardener Rosanne Malevich adds interest to her landscape with a collection of rabbit sculptures. Beginning with one statue, a gift from her husband 10 years ago, the Malevichs’ collection has grown to more than 15 bunnies in various spots around their yard.

“We decided to stick with a rabbit theme because rabbits are common to Minnesota gardens,” Malevich says. “It seems we’re overrun with real rabbits, so our sculptures are a way of making peace with that while adding a bit of garden whimsy.”

Each fall, these charming bunnies are scrubbed and stored to protect them from our harsh Minnesota winters. This also provides the opportunity to switch the placement of each piece in springtime. Some statues have a function, such as serving as containers for potted plants. Others are simply cute.

Collecting and arranging garden sculptures has become a tradition for the couple. To get started on your own fanciful garden sculpture collection, Malevich recommends Sunnyside Gardens, Highland Park Nursery, Bachman’s and Tangletown Gardens in Minneapolis for beautifully crafted garden statues.