KARE 11 Meteorologist Belinda Jensen Writes Children’s Series

Belinda Jensen soothes weather anxieties with a children’s book series.

For many children, weather can seem like a chaotic and random phenomenon. KARE 11 meteorologist Belinda Jensen hopes to change that notion with her new series, Bel the Weather Girl. In six stories, Jensen shares adventures that take the anxiety and fright out of weather through informative entertainment.

When Jensen would visit area schools to talk about the science of weather, she often created stories to explain complicated weather systems to second-graders. She noted that weather-related books available to children were “either too simplistic or too dramatic for no reason,” which could further a child’s fear. Jensen says that the best way to overcome irrational fears is simply to explain the process and show that weather is not so random and chaotic.

Jensen connected with Lerner Publishing, which suggested she turn her idea into a series, so teachers could better integrate the stories into their curriculum. Jensen created six books, suitable for grades K-4, with the help of children’s author and series consultant Lisa Bullard. In the books, 8-year-old Bel is the No. 1 source for explaining weather to her friends. Bel is joined by her cousin Dylan and her dog, Stormy, who happens to look a lot like Jensen’s Bernese mountain dog, Kenna.

Jensen is excited to share her stories and read them to local children. As for future writing ventures, she says, “For now this is enough, this is perfect.”

Bel the Weather Girl is available wherever books are sold, on Amazon and at beltheweathergirl.com. Belinda Jensen will read and sign books on August 9 from 10 a.m. – noon at the Mall of America in the main rotunda.