With school on the horizon, getting our workspaces in order is a top priority. This is particularly important if your desk is a central, shared space. Say goodbye to those perpetual piles with these tips to get you in command center mode just in time for fall.
Create Drop Zones: Give each family member a wall pocket or acrylic desktop tray to place important to-dos such as permission slips, bills and other items that require immediate attention. Use a labeled plastic bin in a closet to store artwork and other keepsakes.
Pare Down: Simplify the desk accessory drawer. This drawer can too easily become a catchall for free pens, business cards, coupons and other items. Use a drawer organizer with multiple compartments to separate out the necessary items.
Eliminate Paper Clutter: Shred what you no longer need and scan the other important documents into your computer. This includes receipts, medical records and other items you may not want to discard.
Family Calendar: Use a visible, central monthly calendar to keep track of everyone’s schedule so your family is all on the same page of who needs to be where, when. Color code each family member to keep the calendar organized and efficient.
Unplug and Plug In: Create a docking station where everyone’s cell phones and tablets can be put away for the evening, but charged and ready to go the next day. Use a multiple port USB charger plugged into an extra outlet with a basket underneath to keep the gadgets and cords out of sight.