What’s the best thing about Edina’s heralded Fourth of July Parade? Is it the fire trucks and police cars? The bands, the horses, the elected officials and candidates? Is it the candy? How about being with friends and family on a lovely summer day? Whatever your preference, the parade is a great reason to get out and celebrate the community and the nation.In the run-up to this year’s Fourth of July festivities, Edina’s parade committee has encouraged citizens to visit the website edinaparade.org to vote on what they like most about the parade and offer suggestions for improving the annual celebration. (The committee also uses the website to recruit parade volunteers and sponsors.) As of press time, more than half of respondents had highlighted “bands” and “being with family and friends on a summer day” as their favorite elements of the parade.
From the July 2013 issue
Patriotic Parade
How do you like your Fourth of July?
Military veterans wave from the float at last year's Edina Fourth of July Parade.