Mary Brindle likes to be where stuff is happening, to have, “her fingers on the knobs and be a part of something,” she says. This drive is what led Brindle to say “Yes” when she was encouraged to run for city council (2009–2020). “Yes” to being the Edina Community Foundation’s parade committee chair in 2006 and 2007 and returning to serve as the entertainment chair in 2021. “Yes” to being the 2021 chair of Camp Enterprise, a three-day entrepreneurship, leadership and business ethics camp for high school students. She is also a former Edina Community Foundation staff member.
Brindle has served on several boards and committees, including Edina Youth Task Force, Edina Public Health Commission, Edina Human Rights and Relations Commission and Edina Crime Prevention Fund, earning an individual service commendation in 2006 from the mayor’s office. She’s also been on the Southdale YMCA Board of Directors. A Rotarian since 1995 with the Edina Morningside Rotary, Brindle serves in several roles including club administrator.
Her influence doesn’t stop at city borders; she’s represented Edina’s interests on the airport’s noise oversight committee, the I-494 corridor commission and community action partnership of Hennepin County.
A band director by degree, Brindle’s love of music has led to other volunteer roles. She teaches the French horn, performs in the First John Philip Sousa Memorial Band and founded a performance group called the Wild Prairie Brass Choir, which was a community impact partner of the Edina Community Foundation from 2006–2020. Brindle and husband, Ralph, play alphorns, performing at Swiss Heritage Days and Oktoberfest in towns along the Mississippi River.
You’ve likely seen Brindle in the community, volunteering, playing a concert in a park, gardening or walking with Ralph and faithful companion Hondo.
Contributed by the Edina Community Foundation; edinacommunityfoundation.org