Take a Walk

New and upcoming options for summer walking.
Savory Gardens was winner of the 2015 Edina Heritage Preservation Award.

Some studies show that walking can provide some of the same health benefits as running, without the intense stress on your joints and respiratory system. Check out this phone app and trail information that will keep walking in Edina fresh and exciting.

MapMyWalk for Android and iOS devices allows users to find trails or create routes of their own, track activity and meals, and share progress with friends. You can even connect the app to your existing workout hardware like your Fitbit or other activity trackers. The app is free, but there is an expanded version available to purchase from Google Play or iTunes.

Though there are many great places to walk in Edina, there will soon be one to top them all. The Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail will link popular area hot spots such as Edina High School, Creek Valley Elementary and the Edina Promenade. This trail will be completed over the next two years, and will be well worth the wait as it will surely make for a more versatile and interesting walk around Edina.