Edina Magazine 2022 In Review. A roundup of this year's most read stories.

Competition was stiff this year for the annual Images of Edina Photo Contest, but after the dust settled, the judges picked the winning images in five categories: Activity & Events, Business, Plants & Animals, People, and Places in Edina.

There’s more than meets the eye in this 2017 Images of Edina award-winning photograph. It won first place in the plants and animals category as well as being last year’s overall winner.

At the third TEDx event in Edina, hundreds of people will come together to celebrate ideas, innovation and lifelong learning.
Planning for the passing of a loved one is something none of us wants to do, but it is necessary.

Photographs are one of the few mediums that can tell a real story in a single glance. In this featured photo, it’s fairly easy to see what’s happening, but that isn’t the only reason it was award winning.

It can be a challenge to know what to send your often busy, sometimes broke and occasionally homesick college kids. A care package specially designed by Love from the Nest may be the perfect solution.

Living in a great city is like having a larger home outside of your home.

We all have that moment when we wish time could freeze, right then and there, so we can enjoy it for as long as we want. Thankfully, many photographers are masters of capturing those moments, whenever and wherever they happen.

We can all appreciate a piece of art, so what about a photograph of a piece of art? Timothy Macht, former Edina resident and photographer, proves art can also create a beautiful, and entirely unique, photo.

The Golden Triangle of India. It sounds exotic, ancient and fascinating … but maybe a little too distant and confusing for a vacation destination? What if you could make that trip of a lifetime with someone who knows her way around and wants to share her knowledge with you?
Event Galleries
Take a look at photos from events in your community.