Amazing teachers often provide incredible opportunities but don’t always receive the recognition they deserve. For example, Mrs. Kobany, who attended Edina public schools, graduated from St. Olaf College and began teaching at Southview Middle School (SVMS) in 2008, chose this career because she likes to connect with others through humor, creativity, and planning to bring learning to life.
I especially enjoyed Mrs. Kobany’s class because she provided a welcoming environment. When she says, “What can I do to support you?” it told me she cares. Mrs. Kobany makes a difference by showing the genuinely kind and positive attitude she has for students in our school. She made me aware that she valued what I contributed to class. Mrs. Kobany has been generous with her time by giving me the support I’ve needed. We have built a great relationship.
Last fall, I nominated Mrs. Kobany for the WCCO Excellent Educator award. I outlined why I believe she is a true role model. It was so rewarding to present the award to her. When I presented the award, I said exactly what she’s meant to me as a teacher: “You’re happy and you’re generous, and that is what I find is a good teacher!”
Mrs. Kobany humbly shares credit with me for her recent award recognition and accomplishments. This selfless thinking summarizes how she values every student and why her approach to teaching continues to be so successful.