Education & Community

Open House at Arneson Acres

Open House at Arneson Acres, 4711 West 70th Street, Edina.  Saturday August 5th, 2:00-4:00 p.m. The Garden Council will lead tours of the gardens at Arneson Acres at 2:15 and 3:15 p.m. The Historical Society will offer a brief talk on the history of Arneson Acres at 2:15 and 3:15 p.m. EHS museum exhibits on Southdale and the History of Edina will both be open to the public! Kids' activities include flower pounding, leaf printing, and coloring station! Light refreshments will be served. Admission is free but RSVP to 612-928-4577. Read more about Open House at Arneson Acres

WIN Networking Luncheon | On a Mission: Tying a Larger Purpose to Growth

A woman on a mission is a force to be reckoned with! Be inspired by our interview and interactive conversation with Hyon Kim (CEO and Founder of MN Best Inc.), whose multi-million dollar success in business was motivated in part by her desire to help North Korean Refugees. Enjoy facilitated networking with motivated business women over lunch. As always, time will be given for facilitated networking over lunch. Read more about WIN Networking Luncheon | On a Mission: Tying a Larger Purpose to Growth

Days of Remembrance

The City of Edina Human Rights and Relations Commission (HRRC) holds an annual human rights forum, "Days of Remembrance.," held at Edina City Hall. To mark the seventh-annual observance, the City will host "The Holocaust and Genocides: From Generation to Generation." There will be two featured speakers who will address the importance of passing the lessons learned from one generation to the next. Joni Suusman, PAst President of the Jewish Community Relations Council of MN and the Dakotas and Tea Rozman Clark, Green Card Voices Co-founder and Executive Director. Read more about Days of Remembrance

Class of 2017-Career Exploration Camp

Calling All 2017 High School Graduates! Make the most of your first year in college by taking time to begin the career exploration process before you arrive. Through exercises and assessments you'll gain a better understanding of your interests, skills, values, and personality, and how these align with potential majors and careers. Learn how to start exploring careers through informational interviews, job shadows, and internships. Begin building networking and business etiquette skills. Read more about Class of 2017-Career Exploration Camp

WaterFest 2017

“Make Waves” at WaterFest 2017. This free, family festival celebrating our clean lakes offers fun and an opportunity for outdoor hands-on learning about clean water, wildlife, and land and water conservation. Start the day with a Voyageur canoe ride, paddle a canoe, kayak or paddleboat, learn to fish or participate in a fishing contest. Read more about WaterFest 2017


In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TED has created a program called TEDx. TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TED Talks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection on a local level. Our event is called TEDxEdina, where x = independently organized TED event.

All TEDxEdina speakers and organizers are volunteers, passionate about the power of ideas to make our community–and our world–a better place. Read more about TEDxEdina


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