
Curry Chicken Rice Bowls

Rice bowls are one of my go-to dinners for our family; my kids love assembling their own bowls. These curry chicken bowls are so full of flavor and perfect for family dinner and meal prepping.

The Average American spends 37 minutes a day on meal prep, food service and clean up, according to a 2014 survey by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. When you consider that many working adults might not get home from work until 6 p.m.

For the past couple of years, potters at the Edina Art Center have been documenting what they have created, in terms of pottery and recipes, via writing and pictures.

The kitchen—it’s the gathering place for family and friends, the room with the most action. It’s a place to prepare and cook food, entertain guests, store gadgets and share family meals and stories from the day. As the center of the home, it’s also the reason kitchen remodels are so popular.

Edina resident Meredith Deeds has ended her time as CEO at the International Association of Culinary Professionals to pursue her career in content creation and food consulting, as well as her interest in Minnesota food culture.

Thanks to the Chef’n Zipstrip, you can actually use that rosemary in your window garden. This small device separates herbs from their stems and collects them in a convenient bowl. $7.99

Chef Mike Shannon at Cooks of Crocus Hill originally hails from South Carolina. Eight years ago, he shifted his creative focus to cooking when he left the engineering world to attend Le Cordon Bleu Culinary School.

What’s the most memorable gift you’ve ever received? Chances are it wasn’t an expensive handbag or a bottle of wine. Instead, it might have been a child’s art project or a basket of welcome-to-the-neighborhood cookies.
