Shelves speckled with skeins of yarn—every color you can dream of—like hundreds of multicolored stars. This is Harriet and Alice at 50th and France. The shop carries a wide variety of luxurious natural fiber yarn, but that’s not all.
Harriet and Alice offers knitting classes for everyone—kids, adults, beginners and advanced knitters. They also carry local, handcrafted items. “We’re bringing in new artists every month,” says owner and chief executive knitter Kate Bispala. “We have artists that may not be in stores anywhere else.”
When the owner of Bispala’s local yarn shop retired last year, it inspired her to open her own shop. “I was looking to do something creative,” Bispala explains.
“I was looking to do something with local artists.” And so, she launched Harriet and Alice, named in homage to her grandmothers.
The store is rooted in the Edina community. “I’ve lived in the area my whole life,” Bispala says. “My mom was a teacher at Countryside in Edina. [Edina’s] been a part of me forever.”
Bispala enjoys sharing her passion with others. “We have people who have never knit before coming in,” Bispala says. “They find something new to try, and it’s inspiring.”