Nordic Tradition

Custom-made cinnamon-sugar blend brings a family back to its roots.

In her youth, Karin Miller spent a lot of time making cinnamon and sugar mixtures with her Norwegian grandmother to add flavor to favorite dishes. Many long hours in the kitchen later, Miller has created Nordic Sprinkle, a cinnamon-sugar and vanilla mixture based on her grandmother’s inspiration. The blend is perfect for sprinkling on anything from banana bread and oatmeal to coffee and chai tea.

“I used to joke that I was going to bottle it up and sell it one day,” Miller says. Then, with her family’s support and help from willing friends, Miller fulfilled the production of 250 bottles of Nordic Sprinkle to see how they would sell. Eight hundred bottles later, Miller has herself a small business.

Carrying on with her Scandinavian tradition, Nordic Sprinkle is an endeavor for the whole family. Miller’s husband and two daughters help seal bottles at the dining room table. Miller says she likes including her daughters so they can see what it takes to start something on their own. “I want my girls to understand that if you want to do something, there’s not a whole lot holding you back,” she says.

Nordic Sprinkle is available at Bibelot stores, the General Store of Minnetonka and Ingebretsen’s in Minneapolis. Find it online here.