A Better Chance Board Member Advocates for Human Rights. Citizen of Edina: Kelly Streit.
Chad Eischens, the general manager at Braemar athletic facilities, spent nine years as an activities director and community education director before his current position. “There’s been a sharp learning curve” for the past several months, Eischens says.
Edina families regularly and generously open their homes to students from other countries who want to study in America. It’s been a wonderful experience for these families and students.
The Rogers Family
On a Sunday morning at Starbucks on 50th Street in Edina, Kate Glavan was sitting by a wall away from the hustle and bustle.
The Edina Community Foundation honored 17-year-old Owen Stidman with a Student Leadership Award. Owen is a senior at Edina High School and has had many leadership roles at EHS.
Many parents try to minimize their children’s exposure to social media and screen time. So when Sarah Arndt of Edina searched through the website Etsy.com for handmade gifts, she found a perfect opportunity and alternative to screen time for her daughter Emma—sewing.