Arts & Culture

On July 29, 11 retailers at Nolan Mains hosted “Date Night,” offering in-store specials and experiences to invite the local community in for an evening of fun and discovery.

sparklers with family

Who says you can’t ring in the new year from the comfort of your own home? Hunker down for a cozy celebration this winter without compromising any of the fun.

Kari Gronseth

Edina resident Kari Gronseth took a bold step during an extremely volatile time and launched Gather Event Group in 2020.

Payal Doshi

Transforming the literature landscape for young readers, Edina resident and debut author Payal Doshi released her first middle grade novel Rea and the Blood of the Nectar this past June.

Good Eggs by Rebecca Hardiman

Kevin Gogarty, 50, has had it. His widowed mother, Amelia “Millie” Gogarty, has been picked up by the Dublin police. Shoplifting excites lonely Millie, as does the thought of the trip she’s supposed to take to America.

FloralPop on the Galleria entrance

Art contributes to our lives in many ways: It educates, commemorates people and places, creatively inspires or challenges—and sometimes it just makes us feel good. That was the intention of the FloralPop initiative, the vibrant art on the exterior of the Galleria this past summer.

Anna Hagen and her sister Nikki Hollerich

Anna Hagen and her sister Nikki Hollerich have always been crafty. With a creative streak like theirs, it’s no wonder that when the sisters encountered a band saw for the first time, they became enthralled.

Long Way Home

We regularly feature photo submissions from our Images of Edina photo contest in the pages of Edina Magazine and online.


It’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic forced the world to adapt quickly, and one of those ways was how kids got their education. Shifts from in-person learning to distance and hybrid learning formats created some gaps in learning.

 Hamnet: A Novel of the Plague by Maggie O’Farrell

Readers live in the golden age of historical fiction, something to be thankful for. Novelists have access to more libraries, archives and institutions via digital collections and the power of the Internet.
