As we age, our bodies gradually lose potential for healthy functioning of our cells, tissues and organ systems. When cells fail to produce adequate amounts of energy, deterioration and pathologies can occur.
Aging research has experienced an unprecedented advance over recent years, particularly with the discovery that the rate of biological aging (the rate at which our cells age) can, at least to some extent, be controlled by influencing specific physiological and biochemical processes in the body.
The quest to understand and influence these pathways has spurred the genesis of a new trend in health, wellness and human performance known as biohacking. On a basic level, biohacking is the application of technology to influence the body’s ability to produce energy and “delay” aging of our cells, tissues and organs.
An example of a well-documented “biohack” that has made its way into the mainstream is red light therapy. Red light therapy works by stimulating mitochondria, the energy-producing portion of a human cell. When human cells have an abundance of energy, tissue-healing and repair can occur.
The mechanisms of red light therapy work in similar fashion to the way a plant harnesses energy from sunshine. Sunlight stimulates a plant’s chloroplasts through a phenomenon known as the photo-electric effect. Chloroplasts are the energy-producing portion of a plant cell and are the equivalent to human mitochondria.
With an abundance of energy, human cells—just like these plant cells—can heal damaged tissues or generate new growth, ultimately delaying the natural aging process.
Contributed by Timothy Borowski, M.S., a natural healthcare professional who specializes in neurological function, injury rehabilitation and complex pain management. He is the founder of Axon Movement, a complementary healthcare practice located at Statera Health in Edina. You can find him
@axon_mvmt on Instagram.