January 2021

The Farmer’s Almanac predicts a reprieve from a harsh winter in 2021. Combine that good news with these great stories and January becomes a beacon of hope in the new year.

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big part of what makes Edina special is the spirit of volunteerism among a vast array of community members.

Dad and child distance learning

We regularly feature photo submissions from our Images of Edina photo contest in the pages of Edina Magazine and online.

Lamb dish served at The Lynhall

Anne Spaeth, owner of The Lynhall, senses our collective fatigue with the crises of 2020 and she wants to provide some comfort and


Edina-based pet-calming CBD brand Kradle at the Royal Dog Days event in October. Dogs (and their families!) enjoyed this outdoor event in Lake Elmo. The Kradle King and Queen were crowned by Crunch, the Minnesota Timberwolves mascot.

Competitors playing Bowl Hole

What exactly is Bowl Hole you might ask? Well, it goes like this: 10 holes, just smaller than a ball, are drilled in the ice in a pattern just like traditional bowling pins at the end of a bowling lane.

Bowls of super foods that can help boost your immune system.

Super foods have made their way into our dietary lexicon. Although no specific food is likely a silver bullet of nutrition. Super foods are known as such because they are nutrient-rich and considered to be beneficial for health and well-being.

Equipment for home exercise

Establishing or renewing fitness goals is characteristic of our collective optimism when entering a new year. Clean slates and fresh starts are often exactly what’s needed to inspire movement toward improved health and wellness.

U.S. veteran and Paralympian Melissa Stockwell holding medal

Just like most of 2020, the launch of U.S. veteran and Paralympian Melissa Stockwell’s book wasn’t to plan.

Masked woman and child using hand sanitizer

Local childcare centers seek to provide environments suited to children’s needs.

Get cozy with hygge items for your home

Evening settles over the tundra early in January when Minnesotans experience only eight hours of daylight, half of what we get to enjoy in the summer months.

Nick Legeros standing by one of his bronze sculpture

Nick Legeros is an Edina sculptor whose work sets a high standard for public art in our community.

Painting of a boxer by Richard Merchan

Hollie Blanchard, co-founder of Art Girls Mpls. says, “The Boxer by artist Richard Merchán is a beautiful representation of his loose impressionistic approach fueled by strategic hints of color perfectly placed throughout the composition.

Woman using exercise equipment

Leading up to 2021, I knew I needed to move more. I’m good at getting out for walks and a few sets of tennis in the summer months. In winter, my go-to is a few miles on a treadmill while watching television.