Edina Magazine's March 2014 issue has arrived! Read about the barbecue ambassador named Famous Dave Anderson, how the community is giving back to Haiti, and how Edinans are making wine on the West Coast.
Edina Magazine's March 2014 issue has arrived! Read about the barbecue ambassador named Famous Dave Anderson, how the community is giving back to Haiti, and how Edinans are making wine on the West Coast.
Edina Rotary Club members and guests enjoy a December holiday dinner. All photos by Angela Johnson.
The Edina Historical Society sponsored an extensive historic homes tour in September. Take a look inside some of Edina's most stately residences. All photos by Dianne Plunkett Latham, Dan Latham and Marci Matson.
This spring, a new class of college graduates will enter the professional world. Edina residents Sandra Davis, founder of MDA Leadership Consulting, and Fritz Corrigan, former CEO and president of Mosaic Company, have committed to help these graduates become leaders.
Mozza Mia, the popular Italian restaurant at 50th and France, has rolled out a new feature this year.
Exploration. Achievement. The great outdoors. Many young fifth-graders, fresh out of Cub Scouts, find appeal in joining the Boy Scouts. Full of adventure and new friendships, scouting promises a world of self-discovery. Yet only 4 percent reach the Eagle Scout ranking—the highest honor.
Anthony Harmon has become a local fixture on the corner of Valley View and Antrim Roads in Edina. There, he faithfully mans his post, directing traffic and guiding Valley View Middle School and Edina High School students safely across the street during the busiest times of the day.
In January 2013, Jerry’s Food in Edina learned that members of the community wanted to display balloons in the streets and from mailboxes to honor a local 8-year-old boy who had died. The staff at Jerry’s Foods liked the idea and began selling balloons in order to make this idea a reality.
With two days to go before Thanksgiving last year, the team of builders from JMS Custom Homes worked diligently to set the roof trusses on an Edina home that won’t just benefit a family, but, hopefully, the next generation of real estate leaders.
Lights, camera, success! Evan Kail and Tomas Aksamit are 2007 graduates of Edina High School who teamed up and turned their movie-making dreams into reality.
Finding a babysitter at the last minute just got a whole lot easier. Neighborhoods throughout Edina are tapping into Nextdoor, an online resource that helps neighbors connect with each other.
Edina Public Schools expect a modest enrollment increase of about 200 students over the next five years. The high school and Countryside and Highlands elementary schools are projected to see the largest spikes.
As Minnesota gears up to host the 2015 National Senior Games, one Edina woman is ready for action. Susan Adams Loyd competes in track and field, and at age 56 she sees no reason to slow down.
In December, Edina physician Jim Rohde made his 12th pilgrimage to Haiti as a volunteer. And this trip was special. Rohde dedicated the final piece of a seven-years-long medical building project, which he coordinated in partnership with Healing Hands for Haiti, an international nonprofit.
Click here to view photos from the 2014 Best of Edina celebration at Pinstripes.