We regularly feature photo submissions from our Images of Edina photo contest in the pages of Edina Magazine and online. This month, we asked Lori Anne Yang to tell us about her photograph titled “Walking Each Other Home.”
Where was the photo taken?
My back yard in the Morningside neighborhood of Edina.
What inspired the shot?
[The chickens] were displaying so sweetly what their relationship is like, I couldn’t resist capturing it!
What’s your favorite thing about this image?
Chickens are very social creatures. Studies show they bond, show empathy and have over 30 unique sounds to communicate. This image says all of that and more without having to read a single study.
Do you typically take photos like this or is this out of the norm for you?
I am always looking for the extra in the ordinary, the divinity in the everyday, the magic in the mundane. This photo is very much in my wheelhouse.
What prompted you to submit your photo to Images of Edina?
I thought it might be nice to show that chickens are very much a part of the Edina community—something people may not realize—and that hidden in our suburban yards are many secret gardens that contain rich landscapes filled with wildlife and not-so-wild-life.