In the December issue we're sharing tips for hosting a fabulous holiday party, decadent desserts from local bakeries and a gift guide inspired by the various rooms of your home.
In the December issue we're sharing tips for hosting a fabulous holiday party, decadent desserts from local bakeries and a gift guide inspired by the various rooms of your home.
Bob Rorke’s photography was recently on display at Richardson Nature Center. He and his wife live in Edina and often walk through the Richardson Nature Center in the evening or early morning. His 14 nature images were taken at the center and spotlight the beauty of the area.
December dazzles with decadent desserts. Let the diet and pending New Year’s resolutions wait. For now, it’s time to indulge your senses with some sugary sensations. Edina desserts are a well-deserved splurge.
Robert Grace, owner and operator of Be Graceful Bakery & Catering, started his small business in 2013 after working for five years at Kraft Foods as a sales manager. He began by catering box lunches for the Minnesota Department of Education.
There’s an adage that’s displayed in many a kitchen.
On Christmas Day in 2013, Kay Johnson and her son, Nathan, and daughter, Quinn, shared a meal with more than 1,200 guests.
The Front Hall
The old saying tells us that home is where the heart is. And since home is where we spend most of our time, this year, let home guide your gift giving.
Edina restaurants display all kinds of art. Atmospheric images can transport diners to new realms of place and thought. And art can set the mood for food.
When inspiration spoke, Elizabeth Anderson listened.
They are two lovely Norwegian-American ladies, Marge Ellingson and Pam Olson.
Even if you haven’t visited the Fairview Southdale Emergency Department lately (thank goodness), anyone who’s driven past the hospital on Highway 62 knows a major addition and renovation has occurred.
Many parents try to minimize their children’s exposure to social media and screen time. So when Sarah Arndt of Edina searched through the website Etsy.com for handmade gifts, she found a perfect opportunity and alternative to screen time for her daughter Emma—sewing.
Keep those cherished holiday traditions alive for your children with a trip to the shopping mall for a chance to meet Santa Claus. Santa will be listening to wishes at Southdale Center through December 24.
As a singer-songwriter back in high school, Greta Melcher always held onto her used guitar strings. “Jewelry seemed like the natural next step in the strings’ life cycle,” says Melcher.
Edina resident Pam Olson shares her recipe for a traditional Scandinavian holiday cake.
Walker Methodist Care Suites in Edina hosts regular playgroups for dogs provided by Fresh Air Training. Dogs must be less than 20 pounds to participate; however, your bigger dog can come if it could use some encouragement.
Edina resident Mary Younggren has been active in the community for a long time. “I am a person of faith, and I believe that we are meant to serve others,” says Younggren, whose social work background has reinforced this belief.
Sharyn and Mike Meagher of Edina shared one of their favorite magazines with the leprechauns of Killarney, Ireland.
Master jeweler George Sawyer from Northeast Minneapolis was invited to Japan last summer for an exhibition organized to celebrate a 200-year-old jewelry studio.
Edina native Johnny Lewis will have a new album released this month. Now living in New York City, Lewis has been working in the entertainment industry for quite some time. He initially worked in electronic producing in Colorado but later decided to take a look back at his roots.
Sami Reber always saw herself coming back to Edina one day. After graduating from Edina High School in 2011, Reber left to play hockey for Harvard.