Arts & Culture

It is 1964, and 11-year-old Fin Hadley sits in the passenger seat of a Kharmann Ghia speeding towards Greenwich Village and away from rural Connecticut. In the cramped back seat is his dog Gus. At the wheel is Lady Hadley, Fin’s 24-year-old half-sister.

The new year presents an opportune time to tackle a resolution. Among top resolutions is organizing one’s space. The office in particular presents a challenge for many.

As fans, we find a star’s life fascinating. Their hangouts seem cooler, their favorite foods tastier and their clothing choices hipper. Despite these intriguing qualities, at the heart, stars are like you and me.

Edina seniors ready to modify their living arrangements need not modify their preferences for luxury, privacy and a comfortable quality of life. As the population ages, the search for suitable senior housing rises to the top of to-do lists for many local families.

For Lynn Franz and Joe Krueger, adopting Nathanael was only the first step in what has become a lifelong relationship with Guatemala. The 6-year-old is one of a handful of international adoptees who attend Cornelia Elementary.

Amelia Hauser, Liana Hazucha and Ellie Teien practice their French at Normandale Elementary French Immersion School.

Being bilingual is especially useful in today’s global economy. The process of learning a second language also provides students with neurological and cultural enrichment. Studies have shown that children in foreign language programs demonstrate greater cognitive development and creativity.

Co-founder of Little Hospice Bob Solheim.

Think for a moment about your own definition of “home.” Is it the bricks and mortar, the rafters and roof? Is it the family inside? The sense of belonging? As more Minnesota families are faced with caring for an elderly parent or grandparent, defining “home” becomes more important than ever.

The world of film comes to Edina on November 7–9 for our town’s third annual film festival at the Edina Landmark Theater.

As high school students look forward to college, many will take the American College Test, or ACT. The ACT is a three-hour multiple-choice exam designed to measure academic achievement in five curriculum areas: English, mathematics, reading and science, Writing and reasoning.

Edina Magazine asked five local authors with recent books what inspires them and what their writing muse is. Each one offered unique insight into what spurs their creative spark, along with a personal history about the books they have written.
