Arts & Culture

Abbey Taylor, a 6-year-old Edina native, died in 2008 as a result of a faulty pool drain. But before she passed away, she said, “I hope this never happens to another child,” according to Alan Korn, executive director of Abbey’s Hope Charitable Foundation.

Jerry’s Foods is a beloved local institution, and the community lost an icon when the founder, Edina resident Jerry Paulsen, died in April at age 89.

Read:Thirteen-year-old Frank Drum wakes up in the middle of a hot summer night in New Bremen, Minnesota, to the sound of the telephone ringing. It is 1961. There is no air conditioning in the parsonage provided by the Methodist Church for the Drum family.

To help make education available to all who seek it, Minnesota State University Mankato has launched new engineering programs within the past year at Normandale Community College in Bloomington and at the campus in Edina.

Sharpen your pencils, and pull your lunchbox out of the closet: Edina Public School students return to school this year on September 3 (grades 1–12) and September 4 (early childhood, special education and kindergarten).

You wouldn’t know it by their graceful tapping and stylish top hats and fishnet stockings, but the Rhinestone Rockettes are no spring chickens.

These four elite Edina preps are forthright about their fortunes. They share their successes. They contribute to their community.

The 2013 Best of Edina party was a smashing success, as hundreds of Edina residents, leaders, businesspeople and luminaries came out to celebrate what makes our community great. Our staff photographer, Tate Carlson, was on hand to document the night. Check out his photos here.

What’s the best thing about Edina’s heralded Fourth of July Parade? Is it the fire trucks and police cars? The bands, the horses, the elected officials and candidates? Is it the candy? How about being with friends and family on a lovely summer day?

Edina resident and author Jen Dewing continues to succeed with her children’s books. Her most recently released title, A-B-C What I Can Be!, was featured on the Today Show.
